Sound Resources for Language Teachers
Digital sound recording and editing is now affordable and easy to achieve
in a computer environment in schools. As a teaching strategy sound is a rich
resource in the area of language and literacy. For example in the area of
oral literacy students can have the opportunity to record the sound of their
own voice with the benefit that they have instant feedback on their accuracy
of enunciation, pitch and timbre etc. Through the editing process students
can correct errors and produce high quality narration for use in presentations
such as CD audio, CD ROM development, web pages, Powerpoint presentations
Technology in this way can assist students to gain self confidence in public
speaking and to develop good oral literacy skills.
Why are so many surprised at the sound of their own voices? Selective hearing may be the answer.
Information about the physics of speech from the University of NSW
Kate used her Japanese language skills, downloaded music and sound effects to create a story about animals (313Kb mp3 file)
There are very few completely fluent speakers of Australian Aboriginal languages like Arabana of the Lake Eyre Basin region. Greg Wilson from DECS Curriculum has been recording Arabana Elders using Audacity.
For language teachers the subtleties of correct pronunciation can be clearly
demonstrated. In the following example Chris Simpson from Unley High School
demonstrates the incorrect and then the correct pronunciation of the French
phrase "je voudrais" (96Kb mp3 file)
Chris used the multitrack capabilities to record his own voice into 4 tracks
to create a vocal harmony of a French song. (632Kb mp3 file)
Stanca liked the vocal harmony idea that Chris used and created
her own French song.
Further examples of sound as a resource in language teaching are listed below:
Chinese educators visited TSoF in 2004 and Qu Linming sang
this short love song (411
Kb mp3 file)
Naty is a teacher of Spanish and she can sing in Spanish (439Kb mp3 file)
Italian - Marisa, City of Turin - visiting
Adelaide (102 Kb mp3 file)
Vietnamese - teaching a song (1.2Mb mp3 file)
Greek - music (511K mp3 file)and song
(968Kb mp3 file)
Japanese visitors to TSoF sang this song (632Kb mp3 file) - it is
called "Hana" which means flower. The song is about a spring
scene of the Sumida river in Tokyo and the song was written about a hundred
years ago.
Japanese exchange student Nakogi (201Kb
mp3 file) recorded her singing using two tracks in Audacity.
Cristina Ortega, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Philippines to
Australia recorded her thoughts on her visit to TSoF (538Kb mp3 file)
Educators from the Philippines sang their national anthem (1.9Mb mp3 file)
Kane wrote a rap lyric as
part of his class exploration of the theme "Identity" (308Kb
mp3 file)
When Jack was nearly 4 years old he used audio recording to improve his speech (284Kb mp3 file)
Jack also used Powerpoint and Audacity audio software for learning his "Snap Words" - or sight words in his first year at school
Lauren had just turned 8 years of age. She composed the music, recorded the narration
and sound effects and used Clay animation for digital story telling.
Audio (641Kb
.mp3) See the Animation (1.2Mb .wmv file)
At the age of 11 Lauren joined the school debating team and used Audacity to practice her debating speech (1.2Mb mp3)
Singers (2.5Mb
.mp3) from Woodville High School
For more information email Jim Edson.